Created brand definition and direction for Thrive Tape, a start-up company with proprietary technology for kinesiology tape. This effort included defining target markets for kinesiology tape, creating a SWOT analysis, defined brand archetypes leading to the development of a brand pyramid and brand positioning statement. With this foundation, we were able to develop the logo, packaging, website launch, collateral material, and consumer engagement displays for pop-up sites across the country.


Defining a corporate design language helps clarify and communicate clearly what the brand attributes are and what they are not as it translates to physical products in the form of function, materials, structure, and color. This guide helps to keep all internal disciplines focused and on point. The following are snapshots of three brands that I was fortunate enough to lead and define global design directions.


responsible for ideation and concept development for several categories in the sporting goods industry. Including gear bags, baseball training equipment, and ball launchers.


Conceptualization for commercial lighting and event seating. With particular focus on use, durability and code requirements.


Extensive experience in product and ethnographic research, conceptualization, and development within a variety of categories in the juvenile industry. I was the creative lead for developing solutions using a variety of materials and processes. This effort required a solid understanding of business, consumer, and regulatory requirements.